Summer Time!

Hi Everyone! Nymeria here! Boy, it’s been a while since we’ve blogged!

We just wanted to send everyone an update on how we’ve been! Since Mia has been recovering really well from her hip/elbow dysplasia, we’ve been taking advantage of the summer weather and going on adventures everyday!

Here are some highlights!

Avalon and I celebrated our Canadian Citizenship over the weekend on Canada Day!

Low tide fun with my bestie Avalon!

Jetty adventures!

Running in the snow IN THE SUMMER!

Farmer’s Market! MmMm Pies!

Forest Adventures!

If you want to see more updates, you can check out Mia’s Instagram account.

I’m still still figuring out how to use my Instagram but you’re welcome to check it out too!

Hope everyone is having a great summer! We’ll be back soon!

Time for a nap, we’re pooped!


World Sleep Day!

Hey Everyone! Apologies again, we have been missing in action…again…I have been dealing with some issues with my leg and we had to go back to the vet.


We got some x-rays done and my humom will be getting a call from the vet today or tomorrow. I guess for the next couple of weeks we will be laying low. I won’t be able to do the things I love for a while…like running on the beach, exploring the forest or my favorite: playing fetch!

I guess it’s fitting that today is World Sleep Day! It’s time to sleep and recover! Happy sleeping everyone!






Pee S. Thank you everyone for the well wishes from my last post. I was really sick and it definitely sped up my recovery!


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Wordy Wednesday – Sister Comforts

We’re joining our pawddies over at Blog Paws for Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Click on the image to join the hop!

Hey guys! Sorry we’ve been missing in action these past few days. I got really sick over the weekend and my fursister Nymeria tried to comfort me.

I’m feeling a lot better today so we’ll be back to our regular scheduled programming in no time!


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Popcorn Beggars

Watcha got there mom? It smells really good…


It’s called “popcorn” Nymeria! It’s SUPER TASTY! Quick! Throw your best puppy dog eyes at her so we can have a taste!


Ok I’ll try! How’s this??


Hmmm…no you gotta REALLY OPEN your eyes…like THIS!


Ohhh…like this??



Now give us some popcorn mom! Pretty please???….

Friday Forest Fun – Hidden Beach!

Hey Everyone! It’s another Forest Fun Friday for us here but this time we’re going to a forest that Nymeria has never been before! This is one of my favorite places to go because it has a hidden beach!!! I didn’t even know about it until my pal Bruno shared its secret location with me! You can read about it here!

Unfortunately…my humom forgot how to get there but luckily she had me to track it down! What a perfect new adventure for Nymeria and me!

C’mon Nymeria! Follow me! We’re going to track down the hidden beach!

Are you coming Mom? Hurry up! You’re holding us back!

Hmmm…which way do we go now…

Don’t worry, I got this.

Hmmm…maybe I can get a better view from up here!

I think I found it Nymeria! I recognize this path!

Mia! Wait for me!

Mom, are you coming?? Stop taking pictures, let’s go!

I did it Mom! I found it! We’re finally here!

C’mon Nymeria! Let’s go explore!

This place is still as beautiful as I remembered it!

I love it here! I don’t ever want to leave!

Don’t worry Nymeria! Mom will bring us back here lots more times!

I found a delicious giant snowball to eat too! Yum yum! What a thirst quencher after all that exploring!

On the car ride home, I was trying to convince my humom that I wasn’t tired so we could go play some more. I don’t think I was very convincing…and Nymeria was no help at all. She was totally passed out in the back!

I guess I’ll take a nap too…

I can’t wait for our next adventure! Hope everyone has a fun weekend!

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Double Mischief Monday- Caught in the act!

It’s another Monday and that means another installment of Mischief Monday!

This time though, my humom thought it was pretty funny…no no, she’s feeling fine don’t worry. She thought it was funny this time because she was so focused on me that little did she know…she also caught Nymeria in the act!

She didn’t realize she caught Nymeria on camera until she went back much later to look through her photos! BOL!


Hope you guys make it through Monday! Did you get into any mischief??


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Pee S. In case you were wondering what we were rolling in…it was sea otter poop!! It’s like the jackpot of poops cuz it’s super fishy and stinky and leaves this PAWSOME dark green color on your body and clothes! It also tastes super yummy too! :p

New Toys and Friday Forest Fun!

Hi Friends! It’s finally Friday! How was everyone’s week?

We’re so happy that it’s FRI-YAY! That means our weekend adventures are about to start! We haven’t had the opportunity to show you all the Christmas loot we got this year (WE GOT A LOT!) but definitely our FAVORITE gifts was…

…NEW CHUCK-IT BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom, stop taking pictures and throw the ball already! Look how nicely we are sitting and patiently waiting!

Wilhelmina’s Humom bought them for me! She knows how much I love to play fetch. And because I’m such a nice sister, I shared them with Nymeria too. (I should get some extra treats for that!)

My humom was very thankful for Wilhelmina’s humom for buying me these balls because I like to chew on them. Tennis balls aren’t very safe for pups like me because we can ingest those tiny yellow fibers and it’s not good for our tummies!

I love you, little blue ball. You are my best friend (after Wilhelmina of course!)

Nymeria is a very quick study. She’s already learned that she has to sit before our humom throws the ball. (In my case she makes me lie down because sometimes I get impatient and I jump up to grab it. That is a BIG no-no…humom gets super angry when we do that). Nymeria is also figuring out that she has to bring the ball back before the next one gets thrown.  She’s not always consistent but for 2 months being here, I’d say she’s doing really well!

Here’s a video!

Do you remember in my last post I mentioned that Nymeria was really fast? In fact, sometimes TOO fast for me? Well, when it comes to chasing balls, she’s got nothing on me! Sometimes I’ll give her a chance and let her have the ball 😉

Nymeria is trying to get the ball from my mouth! But I caught it first!

We’re ready for the next throw!

Just when we thought the fun was over, our Humom took us to the forest!!!!! We thought we were going home but nope, our humom thought we could run around in the forest a bit! I was soooooooooooo so so so EXCITED!!!!!

We haven’t been able to go to the forest as often as we used to because my humom is still working on Nymeria’s recall. Since she is still a little nervous with strangers, we tend to go to off leash areas during non-peak times. Today was one of those times so Nymeria got to explore off leash on the less busier trails! She was SO HAPPY! She was really good too, she stuck close to me and Humom and when she saw other strangers walking by she would just hide behind a tree and watch them go by and then come back out.

Certain areas my humom will put her on leash because she doesn’t want Nymeria to get startled and run off deep into the forest where we can’t find her. It’s hard to find a time when the forest isn’t busy because it’s a very popular place, I mean, who wouldn’t want to take a stroll in a beautiful forest surrounded by trees, birds and water?? So any time we do go into the forest, it’s a real treat!

We had so much fun exploring together! We got super wet and muddy! It was great!

Unfortunately…the muddier the adventure, the higher change of a….BATH!!!!

Hurry! Give your best puppy dog eyes Nymeria! This is our last chance to change her mind!

Telling by how dirty our collars were…chances were slim of getting out of a bath…

In the end, it was all worth it! Boy are we pooped!!! Time to rest up for our next adventure tomorrow!!!

Good night friends! Hope you have a great weekend!

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Sister Bonding and some Mischief…


We’re off to a lazy start this year…It’s already been over a week into the new year and this is our first post! BOL! So far the year has been off to a good start. Some good sister bonding and a little bit of mischief 😉

It’s time to play!

And we’re off!

Taking a break from all that running! I hate to admit it..but Nymeria is too fast!

What? We’re just innocently sniffing here!

Nymeria may be faster than me but I can hold my own when we wrestle!

Aaaaannnnddd….What’s Monday without a bit of mischief?? 😉



Obligatory Posed Photo

We hope everyone had a great holiday, we sure did! We’ll share some of our holiday moments with you all soon!



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