World Sleep Day!

Hey Everyone! Apologies again, we have been missing in action…again…I have been dealing with some issues with my leg and we had to go back to the vet.


We got some x-rays done and my humom will be getting a call from the vet today or tomorrow. I guess for the next couple of weeks we will be laying low. I won’t be able to do the things I love for a while…like running on the beach, exploring the forest or my favorite: playing fetch!

I guess it’s fitting that today is World Sleep Day! It’s time to sleep and recover! Happy sleeping everyone!






Pee S. Thank you everyone for the well wishes from my last post. I was really sick and it definitely sped up my recovery!


Mia wallpaper

My first trip to the Vet!

Hi Guys! Nymeria here. The other day my humom took me to this really scary place called the vet! Mia said she’d come with me for moral support but really I think she just wanted to come to show off! Yeah…that’s right…show off. She LOVES going to the vet. She thinks it’s some kind of social event where she can say hi to everyone and get treats.

She kept running around and jumping up and down off the bench.

I, on the other hand, was looking for the nearest exit!

Nymeria: Is this how I escape? Mia, help me get out of here!



Mia: Oh relax you big baby. The vet office is fun!!! Let’s get this party started! Where are the treats!


Mia: Mom, why is Nymeria so scared? Doesn’t she see how fun the vet is? Everyone is so nice and gives us yummy things to eat! 


Nymeria: Is this what you call fun?? What is she doing to my ear??

Mia: Relax…Dr. Ong is just making sure your ears are clean and there are no infections. I love Dr. Ong! She’s the best! She’s so nice and caring and gentle. We’re super lucky to have her as our dog doctor! 


Nymeria: Now what is she about to do????

Mia: Just chill man! She’s about to check your teeth and gums!


Nymeria: OMD! Now what is she doing?? Mom I’m scared!

Mia: Calm down…She is just checking all your muscles, joints and bones.


Mia: See? It’s all over now! That wasn’t so bad was it??


Nymeria: I don’t know about you but I’m exhausted from all that! GOOD NIGHT!


Overall, the vet visit went pretty well. My humom said I was very brave and by the end of the visit I was comfortable enough to take treats from everyone. There was even a vet tech in the backroom that wanted to come in and meet me. I guess Mia and Keiko are pretty famous at this place. When they heard of a new addition to the family they all wanted to meet me.

Mia said she was proud of me too and shared the bed with me a little bit the next day.


What do you think of the vet? Are you more cautious like me? or a social butterfly like my fursiblings Mia and Keiko?

Have a great weekend furiends!
